The residents of the Karwijakker organize an annual street party: ‘Everything is possible, everything is allowed’

The crazier the better, says the invitation to all neighbors of the Karwijakker in the Seghwaert district. Bert and Petra Slingerland and Kees and Wanda Maas organize the street party every year. This edition is all about Dutch glory: ‘We’re going to defecate nails and walk eggs, and we’ll put the pea soup and vlaflip on the table.’

Almost all of them have been living in the street for twenty years. “It’s a nice neighborhood,” says Petra. From day one we have good contact with each other. Wanda suggested the idea of ​​organizing a street party.”

Square party at the Tulip Garden

Wanda lived at the Tulip Garden for years, where she was active in organizing the annual square party. “We barbecued, lip-synched and played games. We did this from a pot from the municipality that you can request. For this street party we ask all residents who participate in a contribution.” The first street party was a success with a party tent, barbecue, candles and a lot of fun. “It was great fun,” says Petra.

Thorns removed

In addition to the annual party, neighbors also see each other during hoeing and pruning in the street. “We have an app group Karwijgroen where we let each other know when it’s time to tackle the public gardens,” says Bert. “There were always hedges with thorns in the street here. The thorns got stuck in car tires and slippers. After a signature campaign, we decided to remove the hedges and plant adoption greenery.”

Every other month, neighbors hoe each other and remove weeds. The local residents requested a large green container from the municipality, which is quickly filled with garden waste. “It’s always very pleasant,” says neighbor Anneke. “One offers ice cream and the other a drink. It is more fun together and we learn from each other. I don’t always know what weeds are, so I ask someone else. It is these spontaneous actions that provide a lot of living pleasure.”

Russian salad and vegetable soup

In total, the neighbors of 21 houses in the street come together during the third edition of the street party. “The theme is Dutch glory”, Petra reveals. “We are going to play shuffleboard, balloon dancing and ‘Who am I’. “For the first time this year there is an exchange trophy to be won. Instead of barbecuing, we provide a Dutch meal: vegetable soup, Russian salad, snert and vlaflip for dessert. Everyone participates enthusiastically. Even the 80-year-old neighbor comes to join in the fun.”

Barbecue during a street party at the Karwijakker. Photo: Private

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