The US attorney general tries to make public the search warrant of Donald Trump’s house

  • Merrick Garland announces that Justice has requested judicial authorization to do so

  • Defend the integrity of the FBI and Justice after three days of Republican attacks

The united states attorney general, Merrick Garlandhas appeared this Thursday in Washington to announce that the Department of Justice has asked a judge for authorization to make public the search warrant who on Monday executed FBI agents at the residence of donald trump in his private club Mar-a-Lago, in Florida.

“The search warrant was authorized by a federal court after the necessary finding of probable cause& rdquor ;, or suspicions of crime, as Garland explained in a brief statement, the first since the historic record was produced and which comes after three days of official silence. At that time, in a real political earthquake, Trump, the Republicans and the conservative media have dominated public discourse with a fierce and furious reaction to the action of the federal authorities and with calls to violence from some radical sectors.

“Public interest”

In his appearance, after which he has not accepted questions, Garland has assured that he personally authorized to apply for search warrant that now seeks to be made public. He has also explained that his Department has presented the last motion “in light of the fact that the former president publicly confirmed the registration, the circumstances surrounding it and the significant public interest in this matter”.

Along with the search warrant itself, it is also sought to lift the judicial secrecy that for now protects the list with the Inventory of what the agents took from Mar-a-Lago in the registry, although if it becomes public it could be protected with edits that prevent viewing sensitive materials.

What does not include The motion for Justice is a petition to make public a affidavit in which the federal authorities explained to the judge who authorized the search what they are specifically investigating and what evidence they had to conclude that they would find what they were looking for at Mar-a-Lago.


Although there has been no official confirmation, it is assumed that the record is linked to the Trump’s improper handling of official materials, which should have been delivered to the National Archives after leaving the White House but was taken to Florida. 15 boxes of those documents and records were turned over to the National Archives in January, after months of resistance from Trump, and included classified stuff, but it was suspected that the former president could have more.

In the last few hours, the US media have published, with anonymous sources close to the investigation, new data and details about what could have motivated the search. According to these reports, on June 3, a high-ranking justice official and three FBI agents met with Trump’s lawyers at Mar-A-Lago and inspected a basement where the former president would have kept materials.

Five days later, the high position of Justice sent an email to Trump’s lawyer urging him to place a bigger and safer lock in the basement, something that was installed the next day. The suspicions in any case persisted, especially after a fbi Informant, according to ‘Newsweek’, warned that there were still documents that should have been delivered to the National Archives.

On June 22, according to ‘The Wall Street Journal’. a subpoena was sent to the Trump Organization requesting surveillance camera recordings around that room, images that were provided. ‘The New York Times’ has also reported that there was another subpoena requesting documents in the spring, weeks before Monday registration.

Questions, attacks and defense

Numerous questions about the case, politically exploited by Trump and the Republicans from the outset, remain open. But the step taken by Garland this Thursday is a clear trying to break the dynamic that the former president has been marking, that he could now try to stop the secrecy about the search warrant and the inventory (of which he has copies in his possession since Monday) from being lifted.

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The attorney general has also taken advantage of uphold integrity and professionalism of the workers of both the FBI and Justice, who since Monday have been the object of harsh criticism, insults and accusations without evidence by Trump and other politicians and conservative voices.
