Iris van Lunenburg bloody grumpy because of failed Insta photo

Shownieuws star Iris van Lunenburg was very angry with her beloved Pieter van der Wielen, known from programs at the NPO, during a city trip in Paris. “Where’s the tip of the Eiffel Tower?!?!”

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Iris van Lunenburg is best known to the wider public for Shownieuws. There she is occasionally quite catty at the desk when one of the male interlocutors at the table interrupts her again. “I wasn’t ready yet!” she bites them. But you only really get the dolls dancing with Iris if you take a bad picture of her.

Take a picture

Her beloved Pieter van der Wielen, who presents all very serious programs for the NPO, now knows all about it. When they are on vacation together, he constantly has to take pictures for her Instagram page. This was also the case during their recent city trip through Paris.

At one point, Iris was standing in front of the Eiffel Tower and spontaneously got Insta stress. She had to and would have a perfect photo with the Paris monument. Pieter immediately on his knees with in his hand ‘my jacket, my bag, my recently shopped clothes and of course my phone’, explains Iris in her LINDA column. “Just take a picture.”

“The point too!”

Iris really put Pieter to work. She was unboundedly strict with him. “I said, ‘I want the tip too, huh.’ We were now fifty photos further on, the spontaneous moment of unexpectedly seeing the Eiffel Tower had long since passed, but fortunately Pieter was still there.”

Peter was still there? Pieter was lying on the sidewalk with half her wardrobe! Or, as Iris puts it: “He was lying on the street like a true Insta husband to give me the perfect holiday picture. A moment of shame came over me at this embarrassing scene. (…) But the thought of how much fun this photo would be for Insta…”

bloody cranky

Although Iris did her very best as an amateur influencer and Pieter had red-purple knees from kneeling, his flawed talent for photography later turned out to be a spanner in the works. In the evening the two of them sat in the hotel room, she started scrolling in her telephone and then the gate was closed.

What seems? The tip of the Eiffel Tower was not in any of the photos. “I hardly dare to admit it, but at that moment I felt genuine disappointment. Grumpy even.”

‘We want likes!’

Of course that all goes a long way. Iris immediately contacted psychologist G. Oogle to find out more about the effects of social media. “What seems? We are mainly looking for a lot of confirmation. We want likes, we want to be seen. And if that doesn’t happen or not enough, we feel bad.”

Apparently Pieter gave her a big scolding, because Iris now promises in her column that she will hold back a bit during the next trip. A big boost for the presenter of Never Sleep Again.

Arc de Triomphe

One thing is certain: Pieter does not have to invite them to The Perfect Picture. The Arc de Triomphe is also only half on it:
