Corona protection now only belongs in the hands of the citizens

By Gunnar Schupelius

The state should withdraw. We can live with the virus, but not in the permanent state of emergency declared by politicians, says Gunnar Schupelius.

Next Wednesday, the federal government wants to approve a new infection protection law, which is then to be passed by the Bundestag on September 8th.

On this legal basis, the federal states can again take measures, from the nationwide obligation to wear masks to restrictions on freedom of assembly.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) in particular had campaigned for new coercive measures, but several state governments also called for them, including the Berlin Senate.

Health Senator Ulrike Gote (Greens) said on June 29 that Berlin needed a “tool box” to be able to counter the next corona waves in autumn and winter. It is “highly dangerous” if this possibility does not exist.

As always, she gave no justification for her claim that the situation could become dangerous without an instrument case. In fact, there are no indications that particularly dangerous corona waves are to be expected.

Incidentally, the government’s warnings about the summer wave in July were also exaggerated. Not a single intensive care unit reached any load limit, everything was within the normal range of a flu wave.

Nevertheless, the responsible politicians from Lauterbach to Gote can’t get out of their habit of painting the devil on the wall. Excitedly they call for state coercion.

What they all fail to show is trust in people to protect themselves. They certainly can. After 29 months of Corona, even the dumbest person knows what to do to avoid getting infected.

We must therefore be fundamental, it is high time to rethink: the state should withdraw now, as it is doing in many other European countries.

This is urgently needed, because there is growing uncertainty in the catering, cultural and event industries as to whether operations can run unhindered.

“We expect the Federal Council and state governments to do everything they can to ensure that our businesses are not confronted with conditions and restrictions again in autumn,” said Ingrid Hartges, Managing Director of the Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA).

The industry is finally starting up after two years of Corona, fighting high purchase prices, looking for staff, and politicians have nothing else to do than negotiate new restrictions.

To put it bluntly, there is no longer an “epidemic situation of national concern”. Corona protection belongs in the hands of the citizens.

We can live with the virus, but not in the permanent state of emergency declared by politicians who always want to know everything better.

Is Gunnar Schupelius right? Call: 030/2591 73153 or email: [email protected]
