Accident insurance for pensioners: Assistance tariffs for seniors make sense

Accident insurance for pensioners: which benefits are important?

Accident insurance for seniors consists of a combination of assistance and cash benefits. The assistance also differs essentially from ordinary accident insurance without assistance services. Therefore, when concluding such a contract, you should also pay particular attention to the help you are offered in the event of an accident. According to a test by Stiftung Warentest, at least the following services should be included:

assumption of costs: Not only does the help have to be organized, it also has to be paid for.

Duration of service: The insurance companies should pay for the benefits for at least six months.

Meals: At least once a day someone should bring you a warm meal.

Errands and shopping: Once a week someone should help you with shopping and other errands – but this does not include paying for the purchases.

Accompaniment at appointments: An accompaniment for doctor’s appointments, for therapy or even visits to the authorities, which goes beyond a simple driving service, should also be included in the contract.

Home help: At least once a week for two hours you should be provided with a domestic help who will clean the apartment and do the laundry.

Personal hygiene: Daily help with basic care such as personal hygiene, dressing and undressing, lying down and beds, help with food preparation, intake and elimination. Importantly, these benefits also apply to first-degree relatives if the insured cared for them prior to an accident.

Consulting and organization: Help with important organizational questions: Advice on remodeling the apartment or car, accommodation of pets, selection of aids – but without assumption of costs.
