Higher energy bill expected in autumn and winter: ‘Increase of 5000 euros per year’

It may seem a long way off, but many people can expect an even higher energy bill in the autumn and winter. The shortage on the energy market is causing the price of gas and electricity to rise. Although this has been going on for several years, and prices are now also shooting through the roof, not everyone is aware of the high costs.

“We have actually had a huge shortage on the gas market since the summer of 2021,” says Erik Spriensma, energy advisor at ‘Het Snoer Om’. Spriensma is a consultant for the business market, among other things. He helps companies with the purchase of gas and electricity.

For example, the decision has been taken to eventually stop gas extraction from the Groningerveld, and more or less farewell has been given to coal and nuclear power stations. At the same time, we started using more gas, says Spriensma.

On top of the shortage, according to the adviser, the war in Ukraine plays an important role and Russia is turning the gas tap more and more off. And he says it doesn’t stop there.

“Europe wants to get rid of Russian gas, which means that in the coming years we will move towards a completely different energy system,” concludes Spriensma. According to him, Europe is becoming dependent on liquefied ‘Liquefied Natural Gas’ (LNG gas), which is mainly supplied by ship and is more expensive. “That means that a lot is changing on the supply side and we will notice that in the coming years.”

“The energy blocks that will be purchased until 2026 have risen enormously in price, while the energy price was low in the ten years before,” Spriensma continues. And it is precisely the high price that consumers will feel in their wallets. “If you look at the wholesale prices, they are ten times higher. For a consumer, with a model contract of approximately 2000 euros per year, that price will rise to 5000 euros, perhaps 7000 euros.”

According to the advisor, this has consequences for the monthly advances. “They can increase from 200, 250 euros to 500 euros extra per month.” However, this depends on the consumption of the customer.

Energy contracts are generally concluded on a variable basis according to Spriensma. “Large suppliers such as Vattenfall, Essent and Engie have not been offering fixed prices for years.”

According to the consultant, energy has never been an exciting issue. “It is self-evident to us, we just have it, but it is a basic necessity of life if you consider how dependent we have become on it,” Spriensma analyzes. “When things went wrong in Ukraine, everyone assumed that the price would go down again, but unfortunately that is not the case.”

Watch the video about the energy prices that are expected to increase further here:
