Fraud at Sparkasse, Postbank, DKB: Beware of phishing scams

For several weeks, new fraud attempts have become known that endanger customers of various banks. TECHBOOK explains why times seem good for criminals right now – and how you can recognize phishing and protect yourself.

Bank customers have to be particularly careful at the moment. Cases of phishing are becoming known again and again, in which criminals try to get the sensitive data of unsuspecting bank customers. The consumer advice center is therefore increasingly warning of the phishing scams that the scammers use. You can find out what these are here.

Incorrect update messages for customers of the savings banks and Postbank

Fraudsters are currently sending phishing emails with the subject line “Urgent update” in the name of the Sparkasse. They are used to inform customers of the bank about important upcoming changes. Details, according to the e-mail, can be found via the attached link. However, this leads to a replica login page. If users log in here, the fraudsters can access the data. It is therefore necessary to be extremely careful.

The fraudsters are also targeting Postbank customers. However, they use a slightly different strategy to get the data. Recipients are informed that their access to the BestSign security process is about to expire. With this lie, the criminals also refer to a link that supposedly extends access. But there is also a fake site behind it that serves only one purpose – to steal user data.

In both emails, the senders refer to deadlines that are about to expire and urge bank customers to respond quickly within the timeframe given to avoid further inconvenience. However, customers should never allow themselves to be put under pressure and check all e-mails carefully. Do not click on any of the attached links, it is better to go directly to your bank via the browser. If there are indeed changes, the financial institutions will always inform you about them on their website. The bank’s customers should report the phishing emails to the consumer advice center and move them to the spam folder.

“Fingerprint” scam at savings banks

Savings bank customers are once again becoming victims of fraud attempts. The phishing e-mails have the subject line “The new fingerprint system” and trick customers into believing that the savings banks have developed a new system designed to make online banking more secure. This is currently reported by the consumer advice center. In the e-mail, the Sparkasse is said to explain that it does not have access to customer data due to data protection regulations. Recipients of the e-mail should therefore supplement their data via an inserted link in order to activate the fingerprint procedure.

The mean thing about the current phishing email, which is written in the name of the bank: recipients are addressed directly and the official-sounding tone of the message feigns a certain seriousness. Nevertheless, the same applies here: The e-mail is phishing, which scammers use to try to get hold of Sparkasse customers’ data. Therefore, do not click on the link and delete the message.

Current phishing mail in the name of the SparkassePhoto: Consumer Center Schleswig-Holstein

Also read: If you get a new Sparkasse EC card, you lose two payment options!

“Please verify!” Volksbank customers targeted by scammers

“Your action is required,” says another e-mail that customers of the Volks- und Raiffeisenbank are currently finding in their mailboxes. Open authentication must be carried out immediately, otherwise the account can no longer be used to its full extent. This or something similar is the wording of the phishing emails sent by scammers on behalf of the bank. To make it easy for users, the appropriate link for authentication is included. But behind it is a fake website, the data ends up directly with the scammers.

“Suspicious” transfers at savings banks and Volksbanks

The phishing radar had already hit the Schleswig-Holstein consumer advice center beforehand. In this case, Savings Bank and Volksbank customers were again affected. Scammers tried to get their details via email. Under the subject “System Alarm Code” the e-mails referred to an allegedly “suspicious” transfer that has since been cancelled. A necessary account verification must now be carried out using the attached link. But this link actually led to the wrong website, according to the consumer advice center. All data entered here would reach the scammers without detours, who could then misuse them for their own purposes.

Also interesting: Postbank customers must agree to new terms and conditions, otherwise the account is gone

DKB customers also in the focus of fraudsters

The DKB is also one of the banks where customers should beware of phishing. Because here, too, emails were recently in circulation that fraudsters send in the name of the DKB and with which they want to access data. According to the consumer advice center, the most recent phishing attempt has the subject line “confirmation of telephone number”. In order to be able to continue using all online services, bank customers should confirm their stored telephone number. Otherwise there is a risk of the account being blocked. The phone number is used for verification in online banking. It should therefore not fall into the wrong hands. The same applies to all personal data that the fraudsters try to access via the query.

Also read: What is Klarna’s new banking app good for?

Recognize phishing emails from alleged banks

At first glance, the banks’ phishing e-mails make a serious impression. They are kept in the respective typical colors and also display the correct logos. There are no major spelling mistakes. However, a closer look reveals deficiencies, such as missing commas or the lowercase Berlin in the DKB.

In principle, it is advisable not to click directly on links in e-mails. Instead, go directly to your bank’s website. If there is a problem with your account or if the bank needs certain data, they will either inform you here after logging in or send you a letter.

The DKB has also introduced a safety certificate. If customers have deposited their postal code with the bank, the DKB displays two of the five digits in all e-mails to verify themselves. With the zip code 10961 for Berlin, it could look like this: “Your zip code is *0*6*”.

If you do fall for a phishing email, Sparkasse recommends the following steps:

  • Change the access data for your banking transactions on the Internet immediately.
  • Tell your bank immediately. It can prevent further damage.
  • Do not delete the e-mail, it serves as evidence in an emergency.
  • If you still have the malicious email, send it to [email protected] or [email protected].
  • File a criminal complaint.

