At least eight people died in South Korea flooding

In South Korea, heavy rains in and around the capital Seoul killed at least eight people on Tuesday. Seven others are still missing. The Korean news agency reports that Yonhap. There has been a record amount of rain, probably the most in 115 years.

The heavy rain cut power, caused landslides and flooded subways and roads. Nearly 400 people had to leave their homes and find shelter in schools and other public facilities. Four people died after drowning in a flooded building, two people were found in a wreckage caused by a landslide.

The rain started on Monday morning and increased strongly in the evening. More than 100 millimeters of rain per hour fell in the southern part of Seoul on Monday. In some parts of the city, more than 141.5 millimeters per hour fell. The meteorological service expects more rain to arrive on Tuesday. That is why several roads and tunnels will remain closed for the time being for safety.
