Young cyclist Lars Janssens (16) died after a dramatic accident in Malmedy Brandsplas

16-year-old Lars was on an internship in Wallonia last week. During a training drive, he was hit by a driver who later turned out to be under the influence of cannabis. The young man ended up in a coma and died Monday evening from his injuries.

Just about all of Merksplas reacts excitedly, but also his club Team Kempen. “Cycling has given us a lot and we have grown into a close family who support each other through thick and thin,” the club said in a statement. “But what happened last week defies imagination. Lars Janssens was the victim of an accident and fell into a deep coma. He fought hard, but eventually died from his injuries. We realize now more than ever how fragile life is. But we are not alone. Through this road we want to express our support to Lars’ family and friends in these difficult times. Lars will not be forgotten in our club and family.” The club ends the message with #RideForLars.
