Residents drink and shop online too much, now there is a shortage of containers | NOW

Residents of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk shop so much online and drink so much wine and beer that there is now a shortage of containers for old paper and glass in the municipality.

That is why the municipality is going to replace some containers for residual waste with containers for old paper, cardboard and glass. ‘Research shows that a large number of containers for residual waste are currently not fully used in the municipality,’ reports Bodegraven-Reeuwijk.

And there is a shortage of waste paper and glass containers. “This is partly due to social developments in recent years. Think of the increase in online shopping, resulting in a lot of cardboard packages. But also because we often manage to make it more pleasant at home, resulting in more supply in glass bottles. .”

Waste company Cyclus and the municipality will start redistribution this autumn. It takes place in phases. It will start in Driebruggen, Nieuwerbrug and Waarder. Then follow Reeuwijk-Burg en -Dorp and Bodegraven.
