Demet Akalın, whose champagne show is on the agenda: I got 50 needles!

Demet Akalın, who did not fall on the agenda of the magazine with her social media posts and statements, poured the champagne brought to her at the venue in Bodrum, where she took the stage, saying “You officially gave me apple juice” and poured it over the waiter’s head. These images were on the agenda in a short time. Many social media users reacted to the famous singer.


Demet Akalın, who was at the top of the Twitter agenda, responded to the criticism. Sharing a photo of the tradition of pouring alcoholic beverages in Formula 1 from the story section of his Instagram account, the pop singer used the expressions “We will get even on the first stage”.


The operator of the venue in Bodrum, where the much talked about event took place, had published a statement on social media. Demet Akalın also shared this message with her followers on her Instagram account. In the statement, “The situation we live with Demet Akalın, one of the most important artists who gave us priority in this sector we have been in for years, is a completely humorous situation… I do not find the lynching attempt correct.”

Akalın received support from his close friend Sinan Akçıl. Speaking about the subject, the famous musician said, “I know Demet’s personality and character. There are so many people he has touched so much that he did not do such a thing with bad thoughts, I think he did it as a joke.”


After all this, Demet Akalın, who took the stage in a hotel in Cyprus, met with members of the press before the stage. Speaking about the champagne show that attracted the attention, the famous singer said, “The subject was misunderstood. So my migraine took hold and never went away. I had 50 needles,” he said.


Later, the singer, who appeared before the audience, said, “Who’s birthday is it today? Let’s not celebrate your birthday with champagne, I’m being misunderstood. The jokes I’ve been making for years are taken elsewhere.” When a guest said “Forget it, never mind”, Akalın replied to his fan as follows:

Some people just don’t mind. I’m from the casino culture. I leave one day of the season I work to the workers in the place. This is how I saw it from Hülya Avşar’s deceased mother, Emral Avşar. Because Emral Avşar knew about the casino culture.
