Borussia Dortmund comments on the Nico Schulz case

An ex-girlfriend has filed a criminal complaint against Nico Schulz. The investigation against the footballer is ongoing. BVB is now speaking up.

Borussia Dortmund has commented on the Nico Schulz case. On Sunday, the club announced on its website: “Borussia Dortmund took yesterday’s media coverage of criminal allegations – concerning Nico Schulz’s private life – as an opportunity to immediately hold a conversation with the player and his advisors. The player denies the criminal allegations against him. Nico Schulz has informed us that he will defend himself against these allegations with the help of a lawyer and, on top of that, will claim the presumption of innocence.”

It continues: “The allegations made, of which Borussia Dortmund was not aware until the media reports, weigh extremely heavily and are shocking for BVB. Borussia Dortmund takes them very seriously and distances itself from any form of violence. However, Borussia Dortmund is not party to the proceedings and has no access to the investigation files or the criminal complaint that has apparently been filed.”

BVB does not want to make any further comments “at the moment”.

What happened?

An ex-girlfriend has filed a criminal complaint against the 29-year-old for domestic violence. This was confirmed by the Dortmund prosecutor Sonja Frodermann to the SID late on Saturday evening. “There was a house search and storage media were secured,” the lawyer said.

In terms of sport, Schulz, a twelve-time German national player but without a DFB assignment since November 2020, is outside BVB. The hopes that the club had placed in him when TSG Hoffenheim signed him in 2019 have not come true.
