‘Living room bus’ drives through Alkmaar against loneliness among the elderly and young people

Connect, meet and tell – that is the motto of a bus that has been driving through Alkmaar for a month. It is part of the Thuisblijvers art project and invites residents of the city to talk to each other. “There is a lot of loneliness among the young and the elderly and that is why we are here.”

That’s what organizer Rick Akkerman tells against Regional City Central. From 2 July, the bus will travel through the municipality of Alkmaar and the traveling living room will be built at dozens of different locations. Everyone is welcome for a chat.

Akkerman wants to create a feeling of solidarity between residents and hopes that Alkmaarders will get to know each other better. “With Thuisblijvers we want to collect stories from the neighborhood and connect people.”

During their visit to the ‘Stay at home bus’, local residents can not only talk to each other, but also have a portrait photo taken or share their story with Lisa Templon.

Exhibition Great Church

The theater maker writes down the stories: “I talk to a lot of nice people here all day long. When I’m writing the stories at home, it’s sometimes difficult because you’ve heard so much. Of course you can’t tell everything in a text.”

An important moment for the art project is an exhibition of the photos and stories in the Grote Kerk in Alkmaar. Rick Akkerman is already looking forward to it. “First we have eight smaller exhibitions and next April the project will come together. Alkmaar faces, stories and encounters will then come under one roof.”
