Children take action at Theater Aan Zee: “Family park must go back”

Children take action at Theater Aan Zee: “Family park must go back”

Before corona, there was a real Family Park in the Leopold Park during Theater Aan Zee. The children miss that and have campaigned under the slogan “Do you still see US?”.

They gave a mini-show this afternoon. They brought a battle song, a few short acts and above all one clear message: “We want the Family Park back in the heart of TAZ, as it was before corona, and preferably immediately next year!”


“Over the past few days, they collected more than 350 signatures on Café Koer with their appeal,” say the initiators.

“They didn’t put the petition online because they preferred to explain to people what makes the Familiepark so special: workshops, activities in the park and around the kiosk, a full-fledged children’s cafe, more and cheaper performances without reservation. In short, it was a whole week conviviality and culture for all children.”
