Johan Derksen and René van der Gijp already back: ‘I do it for John’

Johan Derksen and René van der Gijp already returned to television yesterday, about a week and a half before the start of the new season of Today Inside. “I’m doing this for John.”

© Veronica

The country’s most watched talk show Today Inside will be back on SBS 6 in a week and a half. While presenter Wilfred Genee is still enjoying his holiday, his colleagues Johan Derksen and René van der Gijp got back to work yesterday. They analyzed the Dundee United – AZ (1-0) football match on Veronica.

‘I do for John’

Has René fallen into a black hole this summer? “No not at all. Not at all.” And John? “I mainly deal with radio. No vacation, no. I don’t like vacation. Especially not when I see all those problems with vacation. With long lines and busy roads and all that. Just let me sit quietly in Drenthe. That is a real holiday.”

Hélène Hendriks: “It’s nice, isn’t it, Johan, talk a little about football?”

Johan previously indicated that he no longer wanted to talk about football. Now he says: “When they call me you know that everyone is on vacation. It’s not my hobby, but when it’s the holiday period and Mr. De Mol makes a small amount every year, it’s hard to say to him: ‘No, I’m not filling in.’”

Kees Jansma

René laughing: “They wanted Kees Jansma to fly back from his holiday resort. haha.”

Johan: “Well, that’s why Kees had come by bike! No, but I sat here for years and then we played two games. Then we would be here at 5.30 pm, but still at 00.30 am. Then we went home and then we came home and Wilfred did his 36th summary.”

Hélène: “So that’s what I’m doing now!”

TV torture

René is looking forward to the new season of Today Inside. “Yeah right. Yeah right. I have to say, especially in the first six months: I really enjoyed that hour. Hey?”

Johan: “Well, it is… Of course we have been tortured for years with a two-hour program. There is no talk show in the world that lasts two hours, only with us. After the third commercial break you no longer knew what to talk about and this hour flies by.”

René: “You hear that from other people too. They think it’s fine. An hour is fine.”

Very few viewers

Dundee United – AZ was with 264 thousand viewers (7 percent market share) not at all popular with the viewer. With the broadcast, Veronica only just managed to conquer a place in the daily top 25 viewership.

Finally, does anyone have anything to say about the candle riot? Hélène: “We’re not going to talk about that anymore.”
