Susigengi suffered a defeat against Belgium

Susigengi suffered a defeat against Belgium in Hakametsä.

Petteri Koponen and Finland will face Belgium again on Saturday. Mauri Ratilainen / AOP

Belgium defeated Finland 75–71 (39–40) in the home match.

There was still rust in the grips of the wolf gang.

– It was quite a rally. Twelve players got to show big minutes, certain clips were managed to succeed really well and then there were clips that it seemed like they had never played together. But that is also quite human, having coached his third match at the helm of Susijeng Lassi Tuovi acknowledged.

The home team had the best performances Olivier Nkamhoua (14/10), who also showed the audience his donk skills.

– After the injury in February, I have come back stronger every day and figured out things in my game by training and watching film, thanks to which I can say that I am a better player every day, Nkamhoua evaluates his own performance.

The wolf gang will face Belgium again on Saturday.

– Let’s continue from here to Saturday and improve the things that were in the phase today, head coach Tuovi commented.
