Inter-capital gains, filing of the investigation requested – La Gazzetta dello Sport

According to the prosecutors in Milan, no conduct aimed at altering the budgets of the 2017-18 and 2018-19 seasons emerged

No irregularities were found in the work of the club’s top management and for this reason the Milan prosecutor asked for the investigation into Inter’s capital gains to be closed. According to prosecutors Giovanni Polizzi and Giovanna Cavalleri, from the results of the investigations of the economic and financial police nucleus of the Finance Police, in fact, no conducts aimed at altering the financial statements of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 emerged, those ended up under the magnifying glass eight months ago. Now the word passes to the investigating judge, who will have to pronounce on the filing request.

The investigation

The crime hypothesis at the center of the file registered against unknown persons on December 9th was that of false corporate communications. The transactions in question include, among others, the disposals of Zinho Vanheusden, Davide Santon, Andrea Pinamonti and Ionut Andrei Radu. From the beginning of the investigation, Inter said they were “serene and collaborative”, to quote the words of the managing director Giuseppe Marotta. The documents acquired at the sports club and the Lega Serie A and analyzed by the men of the Guardia di Finanza, together with listening to some of the athletes involved, made it possible to reconstruct in a “sufficiently clear” way the modalities relating to the sale and exchange ” without, however, specific criminal critical issues have emerged “. In this sense, the lack of objective and verifiable parameters “did not allow to detect” illegal conduct on the part of Inter.
