ah! This is why Anniko van Santen participates once again in ‘The smartest person’

Loyal fans had to look twice on Tuesday evening when she saw the presenter of Search requested saws. Anniko van Santen already participated once? That’s right, she even won then.

Anniko van Santen in ‘The smartest person’

That was the popular program back then The smartest person was still in the hands of RTL. As with Talpa in 2006, RTL also only had one season. Since 2012 The smartest person on display at NCRV and from 2015 at KRO-NCRV.


This is seen as the beginning by broadcaster and producer Skyhigh TV. That is why this year is also the 20th edition. “Over the years we have invited previous candidates from the Talpa and RTL time, such as Charly Luske, Marc de Hond and Jeroen Kijk in de Vegte, but never a former winner. Because of the anniversary, we have now made an exception,” explains Harm Jan Kinkhorst of Skyhigh TV to the AD. “That’s why for the first time a Belgian is taking part, Philippe Geubels.”

a lot of nerves

At the beginning of the broadcast, challenger Anniko tells that she is full of nerves. “When I arrived here I thought: it is a deadly cocktail, the urge to prove and amnesia combined. I’m really nervous about it,” she says. Her children are the reason she is participating again. “They know that I won in 2009. They liked that too, but they didn’t experience it that way consciously. We all watch this program together. At one point they shouted: ‘Ah, Mom, if they ask you to join, you really should do it’.”

Day winner

During the game it immediately becomes clear that Anniko is still just as smart. With 447 seconds she becomes the day winner with flying colors, while Ferdi Stofmeel gets stuck at 88. Jip van der Toorn is too strong for the actor in the final with 239 seconds, so that Ferdi has to say goodbye after six participations and four day wins.

Source: The smartest person, ADTwitter

August 3, 2022
