Denmark removes all restrictions despite corona wave | Instagram VTM NEWS

Denmark will cancel all domestic corona measures next week, despite the rapid increase in the number of corona infections. Covid is no longer a danger to society, is the message. “We say goodbye to restrictions and welcome life as we knew it before corona,” Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said. She praised the “solid defense” of corona vaccines.


Latest update:
26-01-22, 22:04


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Denmark had already relaxed its corona policy about two weeks ago. Then, for example, cinemas and museums could open their doors again, other rules remained in force. Horeca businesses will have to deal with adjusted opening hours until the end of the month, but after that even nightclubs can open again and Danes no longer have to wear mouth caps on public transport. Stores therefore no longer have to limit the number of customers. Rules still apply to international travelers.

The planned relaxation coincides with a rapid increase in the number of corona cases. There is sufficient support in parliament for the abolition, said Health Minister Magnus Heunicke. He had presented the easing that experts had recommended to parliament.

Denmark registered 46,590 new infections on Tuesday. That number is just below the peak of last Friday, when 47,831 corona cases were identified. An omikron subvariant (BA.2) is now dominant in the country, which according to Minister Heunicke appears to be even more contagious than the previously prevalent BA.1 variant. But he says there are no indications that BA.2 makes the disease worse.

Danish experts do not see the wave of contamination as an obstacle to postponing easing. Government medical advisers this month pointed to a change in the link between infections and hospitalizations. While the number of corona cases continued to rise rapidly, the number of corona patients in intensive care fell from 82 on January 6 to 44 on Tuesday.

Other European countries are also relaxing their corona policy. This is happening in the Netherlands, among others. Prime Minister Mark Rutte said on Tuesday that he would “consciously push the limits of what is possible” with announced relaxation. The cabinet does this because “behind all understandable cries for help and actions are such major problems and tensions”.

A terrace in Copenhagen. © via REUTERS

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