In Argentine Exports, the EdTech sector seeks its place

Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero meeting with Entrepreneurs of the Knowledge Economy.

The chancellor santiago cafiero received at the Palacio San Martín a group of companies from the software, startup, biotech, video game and publishing industry sectorswho participated in trade missions organized by the Foreign Ministry in the second quarter of this year.

The commitment is always to accompany companies in the search for new business partners and more export opportunities for their products. Because to strengthen the production and employment model we need to have an extraordinary dynamism in exports”, highlighted Cafiero, who was accompanied by the Secretary of International Economic Relations, Cecilia Todesca Bocco, and by the Undersecretary for Trade and Investment Promotion, Paul Sivori.

One of the characteristics of this sector is that it develops throughout the country, with IT Poles and Clusters with a strong export profile, in Tandil, Mar del Plata, Mendoza, Córdoba, Rosario, Jujuy, to name a few.

¨One of the key verticals for the country is Educational Technology, EdTech, with platforms and solutions that stand out in Latin America, but we say key because the trilogy ¨Education, Knowledge, Economy¨it is a fundamental part of the Government’s policy, if we strengthen Education, we generate Knowledge, if we develop Knowledge, in the digital age, we fully impact the Economic Development of a Nation¨, highlighted Marcelo Theyler, from the La Clase Digital Company.

The Digital Class Company, commercializes in Argentina and the Southern Cone, with great export potential, Digital Whiteboards, Interactive Whiteboards, Touch Screens, Creative and Robotic Kits, Educational Video Games, Advertising, which are manufactured or developed by the Formoseña Company, Formosa Software Factory.

The meeting provided a space for dialogue where businessmen shared their experiences in the missions, the results obtained and commented on the internationalization strategies and target markets of their firms. Likewise, the future commercial promotion actions in which this Foreign Ministry is working in other markets of the region and the rest of the world were discussed.

For 2022, the plan includes 113 actions focused on the knowledge-based services sector, including trade missions, business fairs, technology offer workshops and business rounds distributed regionally based on the interests expressed by the private sector. North America tops the list, followed by Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Asia.

Among the companies present at the conference were: BP4 SA/Intuit, Easycommerce, G&L Group, Keclon, Killabunnies, La Clase Digital, Letras del Sur, Librería Akadia, Purple Tree, Robin Test SAS, Ross out the box, Thalamus and Viaf SA

Contact information:

National Directorate of Tourism, Sports, Cultural Industries and Knowledge-Based Services (DNTEC)

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