Former F1 director Michael Masi opened up about the feedback he received

The former race director of the F1 series, Michael Masi, told what kind of robbery he got into after last season’s big race.

Michael Masi found himself in the eye of the storm as a result of the events of the final race of last season. PDO

Former F1 race director Michael Masi openly told the US News Corp what kind of feedback he received due to the events of last season’s final competition.

– I really felt that I was the most hated man in the world. I got death threats. People said they were coming to me and my family.

With Masi’s decision, the safety car came off the track before the last lap of the race in Abu Dhabi, when Max Verstappen was able to pass Lewis Hamilton just before the finish line. Thanks to the overtaking, Verstappen became world champion.

Masi was fired from the race director position in February. According to a report published in March, Masi made a human error in his decision.

A flash flood

Masi said that, among other things, his Facebook account was filled with inappropriate feedback.

– Racist, defamatory, mean; I was called every possible name.

– They just continued, and not only on Facebook. There were also similar messages on LinkedIn, even though it is intended for professional communication, Masi continued.

Australian Masi said that he didn’t want to tell anyone about the feedback.

– Not even to my family or friends. I spoke to my closest family members, but only very briefly.

According to Mas, however, the experience made him a much stronger person.

Although Masi was allowed to continue working at the F1 series’ umbrella body, the FIA, he decided to resign in July.

Source: Sky Sports
