Archie (12) brain dead ‘after online challenge’: British hospital stops treatment | Abroad

Archie Battersbee became the center of a legal dispute after being seriously injured at home in early April. According to his mother, he probably participated in an online challenge, in which participants deliberately try to become unconscious, British media write. His mother found her unconscious son with a band around his head. The child never recovered. In June, a judge already ruled that the treatment should be stopped, but the parents appealed, without success.

The letter from the hospital to the parents states that the treatment will be stopped at 2 p.m. (local time) on Monday. On Monday morning, the doctors will discuss with the parents how that process takes place and how the parents can be with their son in his last hours. “You or your family may want to lie on Archie’s bed or hold him, if possible,” the letter reads.
