B2B must provide services in order to retain customers

In view of the increased competition in B2B online trading, the E-Commerce Center Cologne (ECC Cologne) together with the commerce solution provider Adobe analyzed information and procurement behavior in the professional environment and the effects of digital services in the three-part study series “The Modern B2B Purchasing”. examined for B2B purchasing. 529 (co-)decision-makers from various industries were surveyed. The third part dealt with “Services as a customer loyalty tool”. The result was that services are also an important loyalty tool for customers in the business customer environment.

Advancing digitization has also intensified competition in the B2B environment and as a result of courting customers, relationships between suppliers have suffered and are less close today than they were two years ago.

In addition, the B2B area is catching up on what has been observed in B2C trade for some time, namely that it is becoming increasingly difficult for suppliers to inspire enthusiasm with products only. The ECC Cologne and Adobe therefore investigated to what extent (digital) services can serve as a catalyst in customer loyalty. The two companies see opportunities in three key areas in particular.

Chance 1: Service is always appreciated

The good news is that all phases of the customer’s digital experience can be used to create connections and positive experiences. “While buyers can be persuaded during the pre-purchase phase, in particular, through online or in-store availability displays and product finders, the option of quick ordering during the purchase phase scores points with buyers of all generations. Overall, they also rate a chat with customer service employees as relevant,” summarize ECC Cologne and Adobe. Younger buyers of generations Y and Z also attribute greater relevance to other, more innovative services and automations.

Opportunity 2: Use B2C for B2B

Private purchasing behavior has a major impact on business procurement behavior – however, professionally used customer portals often only offer half as much information as privately used ones.

“View old orders, change payment settings, adjust subscription orders or add alternative shipping addresses – of course for Amazon customers. And very few customers would want to do without digital services and information that can be used on a daily basis in the private sphere in the professional context. However, B2B manufacturers and retailers still do far too little to meet customer demands to manage orders effectively and without frustration. However, easy access to information and services is essential for the sustainable customer loyalty of B2B buyers,” advises Michael Mertens, Project Manager & B2B Commerce Expert.

Opportunity 3: Artificial Intelligence

In the opinion of the vast majority of those surveyed (79 percent), the use of artificial intelligence will greatly automate the procurement process of frequently required products with a lower value within the next five years. According to almost three quarters (73 percent) of them, companies that want to be successful in the long term should rely on AI. However, it remains to be seen whether this will also revolutionize the procurement process and act as a game changer.

As a general conclusion, ECC Cologne and Adobe state that “right customer loyalty measures can become decisive for success in the future”. However, the focus should be on solidarity, i.e. the voluntary, repeated decision of the customer for a provider.


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