How a dodger blogger was caught in Moscow

First subscribed, and then sent to the ban. Metropolitan Police blogger was detained, who posted videos of his dashing rides on the Web. He drove without a driver’s license and in gross violation of the rules. As a result, the thirst for likes turned into a dislike and imprisonment.

With his head bowed, like a naughty schoolboy, he got out of the traffic police patrol car and headed towards one of the metropolitan judicial districts of justices of the peace.

Georgy Erokhin’s agility faded after traffic police inspectors once again drew attention to his pages on social networks.

Cutting through the snow-covered track with bare tires, the blue VAZ winds up turns. Behind the wheel is the same Georgy Erokhin, better known on the Internet as “Gosh 2048”.

Under his control, any car becomes crazy. In one video, the domestic “seven” cuts through the busy streets of Moscow, in the other – a daring drift already on a BMW on the Third Ring Road.

It brings not only Erokhin’s cars, but even those who at that moment are in the passenger seat. For example, the popular young singer Karina Kross almost fell out of the car door against the backdrop of the towers of Moscow City.

But Erokhin himself does not even have a driver’s license. But this does not prevent him from driving and drifting dangerously on busy metropolitan streets. Moreover, on a decorated car with the inscription “police” in English and special signals on the roof.

In social networks, the autoblogger’s account has already been blocked for such videos, but he simply created a new page. And Erokhin himself was already detained six months ago for incorrect tinting and was even handed over to the draft board.

In addition to the fact that Gosha is an auto-ham, he is also, as it turned out, an ardent draft dodger. But for some reason, the young man did not get into the army. But he continued to shoot videos with dangerous driving.

In 2021 alone, Erokhin was brought to administrative responsibility 21 times for traffic violations.

“The traffic inspectors promptly received information about his movements and handed it over to the traffic police crews. Within a few minutes after that, the VAZ-2107 car was stopped, and the young man who was driving was detained,” said the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Irina Volk.

Traffic police inspectors have recently become regular viewers of violating autobloggers. The task is clearly set: to identify and punish anyone who boasts on the Internet of their dangerous driving.

“On a daily basis, we monitor all content related to road safety in the media. We are active users of social networks and subscribers of bloggers who promote these traffic violations,” says Alexander Bykov, head of the UGIBDD of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow.

So the blogger Yerokhin was detained after monitoring social networks. That same blue “seven”, the heroine of the latest commercials, was sent to the impound. And the blogger himself – to court.

With regard to the disenfranchised autoblogger, seven protocols were drawn up on traffic violations. In addition, Erokhin refused to undergo an examination for intoxication.

Fines no longer apply to him, so the court decided to send Gosha under arrest. So far – for 11 days.


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