Police surprise at Yeliz

By Ina Michaelis-Ugwonno

When TV starlet and influencer Yeliz Koc (28) rang at the front door, she got a real shock. Because it wasn’t the postman standing in front of it, it was the police!

“You won’t believe what happened,” the 28-year-old tells her 581,000 followers in an Instagram story on Wednesday. “The doorbell rings and who is there? Two policemen.”

However, they were not looking for her. But, as Yeliz puts it, “my ex-boyfriend”.

Although she does not name a name, it should be clear: We are talking about Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht (30), the father of her little daughter Snow (9 months).

The love between them has long since expired, most recently the two fought in court because of various allegations and allegations.

When the police rang Yeliz’s doorbell, she panicked a bit. “At first I thought: Oh, you sh… What have I done? I haven’t done anything?!” she tells her Instagram fans. “I was shaking and nervous.”

“Again” the police were looking for their ex, explains the TV star (“The Bachelor”, “Battle of the Reality Stars”). “It’s just the last registration address – and they can’t find him. He’s unregistered and they’re looking for him…”

Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht

Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentral

The 28-year-old cannot resist a smug “But he’s not here!” when telling her police story. There has been an ice age between Yeliz and Jimi for some time. In addition, the Ochsenknecht son has long since been in good hands again, and is currently happy with his racing driver friend Laura-Marie Geissler (24).

“In any case, I then gave the only address I have – and that is the management address,” Yeliz concludes her report. “I don’t know if you can do anything with it now.”

His ex left open why the police were looking for Jimi Blue.

A request from Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht left his management unanswered. When asked by BILD, Yeliz’s sister only said that they did not have an official new registration address for Jimi.
