Live ticker Montenegro – Iceland (EM 2022 HUN/SVK, main round group I)



Yellow card for Ýmir Örn Gíslason (Iceland)



Aron Palmarsson

Goal for Iceland, 0-2 by Aron Pálmarsson

Strong action from the captain! Palmarsson spins around the block and then fires from the hip against the hand. With a bit of luck, the ball will find its way into the net.



Aron Palmarsson

Goal for Iceland, 0-1 by Aron Pálmarsson

First good action by the Icelanders, who fight for the ball and immediately press the accelerator. Palmarsson takes the lead!



Here we go! Montenegro throws on and that in the green jerseys. Iceland is playing all in white today.


Of course, the Icelanders also want to win! After the narrow defeat against Croatia, you no longer have a place in the semi-finals in your own hands, but there is still a realistic possibility. What has to happen for this? Iceland must win the game against Montenegro and then hope that Denmark beats the French tonight. Then Iceland would advance to the semifinals against Spain.


Even if Montenegro is anything but excellent with two points at the moment, the European Championship could actually go further. If they win today and Croatia do the same, they would be third and enter the fifth-place play-off. There is no question of a farewell tour and Montenegro will definitely want to win the game.


Hello and welcome to the European Handball Championship 2022! This Thursday, the last games of the main round are on the program and in group 2 everything is still at stake! Montenegro and Iceland will kick things off, meeting at 3:30 p.m.


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