When is a curved monitor worth it?

Curved monitors not only look cool, they can also offer real added value for gaming or office work. TECHBOOK explains what you have to look out for with a curved monitor and when it is worthwhile.

Curved screens are becoming increasingly popular, especially in the gaming scene. Due to the curvature, the image looks more natural to the human eye. TECHBOOK explains what you should pay attention to if you want to buy a curved monitor.

What is a curved monitor?

The term “curved” comes from English and means “curved” or “arched” in German. In this case, the name says it all, because in contrast to a conventional flat screen, a curved monitor is curved inwards. On the one hand, this looks appealing, on the other hand, it also offers functional advantages.

The curvature of the screen is adapted to that of the human eye. During use, this means that the viewing experience is improved and the images are less distorted, especially with a large display. Due to the curvature, the distance between the eye and the screen is almost always the same, even in the corners, which is why the eyes don’t have to refocus as much.

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The pros and cons of a curved monitor

Due to the improved depth effect and more relaxed eye position, a curved monitor is particularly interesting for gaming fans. In any case, the enlarged image effect can have a positive effect on the gaming experience. In addition, most curved monitors on the market are still quite young and have a short response time and high refresh rates. In addition, the curved shape means that less of the surroundings can be seen, which results in an immersion effect and also has a positive effect on the gaming experience.

The positive aspects mentioned are also advantageous for office work. Above all, eye health should be mentioned here. If you spend a lot of time in front of the screen at work, the curved shape protects your eyes.

However, a curved monitor is often significantly more expensive than a flat screen. High-quality and correspondingly large products often only start at 700 euros. If more than one person is sitting in front of the screen or if you want to use it as a second monitor next to another, many of the advantages mentioned are lost. So if you gamble more often with another person, a curved monitor is not necessarily the first choice.

Due to the price, it is advisable to only look for a curved model from a certain screen size. At least 27 inches and a format of 21:9 should be up for debate here. Otherwise, the surcharge isn’t really worth it, since the advantages of the curvature aren’t really significant.

You should pay attention to this with a curved monitor

Since larger models in particular can cost more than 1000 euros, you should consider a few points when making your selection. As with a flat screen, the most important thing is the exact purpose. Are you looking for a gaming monitor or a new screen for the office? Or should it be an all-rounder that is best suited for various activities?

Of course, the exact size and resolution are essential. As already mentioned, the screen should be at least 27 inches. An ultra-wide format of 32:9, on the other hand, is not worthwhile for gaming in particular, but rather causes problems with the display. On the other hand, a wider monitor is definitely an advantage when it comes to work requirements, for example if you work in many windows at the same time.

With curved monitors, the radius is also crucial. As a rule of thumb, a low curvature means a high radius and vice versa. Depending on how far away you sit from your monitor, the optimal radius also changes. The larger the R value (radius) or the smaller the curvature, the further away one can and should sit. So if you want to place the curved monitor on a small desk, you should use a screen with fewer inches and a strong curvature. A few numbers for orientation:

  • 1800R – maximum distance of 180cm
  • 3000R – maximum distance con 300cm etc.

By the way, those who frequently stream films and series can also do this well on a curved monitor. An aspect ratio of 21:9 makes the black bars above and below the picture disappear.
