Van der Plas does not feel safe and is working at home for the time being: ‘It is difficult to defend yourself against crazy people’ | peasant protest

After death threats via email and social media, BBB leader Caroline van der Plas is working from home for the time being. She will stop working visits for the next week. ‘When I’m gone, my son is alone at home’.

The number of threats and hate messages is increasing, says Van der Plas, who is therefore suspending her working visits to the country. ,,I deserve the bullet, it is written, comparisons with Pim Fortuyn are made. I don’t know who it comes from exactly, a social media account seems to be affiliated with antifa and the far left. But I will pass everything on to the security of the House of Representatives, who will get to work on it.”

Van der Plas will continue to work from home for the foreseeable future. ,,I don’t feel comfortable outside, to say the least. And when I’m gone, my son is alone at home, I don’t like it this way either. For the next few days I have canceled all activities in the country, I look at it from week to week. The bad thing is: you can hardly defend yourself against crazy people. Sure you can see where it comes from, but if some crazy person gets on a bus somewhere and ends up at my house: how do you stop that?”

Van der Plas shares a tweet on Twitter in which someone ‘warns’ her that ‘something is going to happen’ and ‘we are going to play our own judge’.

Van der Plas also relates the increased aggression to the seat polls in which her party is gaining ground, with an average of 14 to 19 virtual seats. ,,I only have one seat in the House of Representatives, so it is pure virtual profit. But critics make us responsible for what happens on highways.”


Van der Plas maintains that the House of Representatives should return from the summer recess to debate the nitrogen dossier. “I said before the recess: this is going to get out of hand. The debate was then also rejected. Everyone is now on holiday, that’s okay, that’s everyone’s right. But the farmers now say: they are on holiday, we are in uncertainty. That feeling only gets worse. And where is Rutte, I said before. Be a leader, do something, a debate is needed now.”
