Berlin has to take in too many asylum seekers

From Hildburg Bruns

Emergency plan, level 1! Berlin will now accommodate asylum seekers at the former Tegel Airport.

“The situation has worsened. In most other federal states, there is actually an admission freeze for people who apply for asylum for the first time,” said Senator for Social Affairs Katja Kipping (44, left).

In Tegel, a civil protection tent with 900 places, primarily for Moldovans, Georgians, Afghans and Syrians, is being opened and operated by the DRK. It was previously available as a reserve for Ukrainians (who are not asylum seekers). On average, however, only 500 refugees come from the war-torn country every day, most of whom are distributed by bus to other federal states.

Kipping called for all federal states to pull together again in the distribution system for asylum seekers. Only Bavaria, Hamburg, Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate are currently participating. According to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, the partial blocking of the distribution system is due to e.g. B. to capacity bottlenecks, IT failures, quarantine measures.

Berlin took in 969 asylum seekers in May, e.g. 456 Moldovans, 147 Georgians, 92 Afghans, 82 Syrians, 70 Turks, 58 Vietnamese, 16 Iranians.

In July, 450 more came because of the freeze on admissions from other federal states. In the case of emergency level 2 (“dangerous situation”), hostels and hotels should also be rented.
