Qatar 2022: the world business that has already begun to play

Lionel Messi and the Scalonet They haven’t hit the pitch yet and the corporate market is already making pre-competitive warm-up moves ahead of Qatar 2022. There are more than 100 days left for the kick-off, but the companies are training to play “their” World Cup. Coca-Cola Global, YPF, TyC Sports, Netflix, Frávega, Paladini; among others, are in the process of elaborationn. “Right now, we are working on their campaigns,” he confesses. Guchi CostManaging Director of McCan’s Marketn. In this instance, for a World Cup, the country in which it is played and its particularities, the Argentine times in which the matches are going to be played or the other participants are always analyzed.

Another one that is in action is Easy Payof Western Union, with the agency galel. “It is a promotional campaign with the focus on increasing transactions”Explain Lucia Villamil, CCO director of Vendaval. For Villamil, “both for the World Cup, as for any other such massive event, the fundamental thing to stand out is to find a point of view that is unique.or, that only that brand can say it because it respects its DNA and empathizes with its consumers. There is no longer a place for those generic messages that could be filmed by any logo, with a light blue and white background”.

Special. Being Qatar, it is clear that it is a World Cup that all those involved define as “atypical”. “It is the first time that everything is played in the same city. Whoever has the chance to be in Doha at that time will be able to choose which match to watch in a stadium”, indicates Cost. This is an advantage for brands because they can concentrate their marketing strategies in one place, seeking to have even greater impact. “It’s also an opportunity for brands to create promotions and opportunities for consumers,” adds Coste. Another particularity, not minor, is that it is the first World Cup to be played at the end of the year, with warm weather in Argentina. “Surely, this will bring with it the appearance of campaigns or actions of brands that are not usually in world championships,” says Coste.

Marcelo RomeoCMO of Newsan, admits what is happening: “As in all world championships, we prepare well in advance to be able to arrive with a broad portfolio of products and an ambitious range of marketing actions”. This happens in all areas. “Our strategy is mainly focused on generating alliances with partners that have accommodation availability for the World Cup,” he says. Guido BouttetMarketing Manager of Travel Services. Since last year, the company began to prioritize to differentiate itself from the rest in the travel agency market. “The rest of what makes up a trip to have a good experience in a World Cup we know very well, since we accumulated experiences from previous competitions,” he adds.

Travel Services launched a digital campaign for all its sales channels (branches, associates, call center and web platform) since last June, in which it promotes the concept of “I lived Qatar” to create the right climate.

“It is not easy to compare the next World Cup with the previous ones because they are very different contexts,” admits Boutet. Qatar will be something totally new for the industry. “It requires coordination between our agency teams to provide answers to the various inquiries we receive,” he explains.

At the moment, in Travel Services they observe “a demand for travel led by companies that seek to take their partners, VIP providers and senior managers to live the World Cup experience as a prize or distinction”, indicates Boutet. And he expands: “Family groups and individuals are one step below. According to previous experiences, it is normal for the demand for the latter to wake up a month before the World Cup”.

The irons. In the case of Noblex, official supplier of the Argentine Soccer Team, it will promote large screens such as the Smart TV 75″ 4K, from the line Blackseries, It has attributes of advanced technology. In addition, the company announced the addition of “Hisense” to the Newsan brand pool. It is also an official sponsor of the Qatar 2022 World Cup (as it was in Russia 2018) and is recognized for sponsoring high-level sporting teams and events”, underlines Romeo.

In terms of marketing and advertising, Newsan plans comprehensive actions that include digital media, content generation and relationship plans with the “trade”. “On a date closer to the World Cup, the premiere of the film ‘The Manager’ (produced by Paramount+, directed by Ariel Winograd and starring Leonardo Sbaraglia) will be given, which recreates, in a dramatic comedy tone, what happened with the ‘Super Promo Noblex’ Qualifiers prior to the World Cup in Russia”expands Romeo.

“In years when there are major sporting events, brands strengthen their offer to conquer the fanatic of this sport in the local market. The trend indicates that it is a time of replacement in which users are inclined towards products of greater size and quality, both in terms of image and sound, which allow each game that is played to be appreciated in detail.”, indicates Romeo.

Newsan has an active commitment to “endomarketing”. “All our campaigns and, above all, on dates as important as the next World Cup, are thought of at 360°. In other words, just as we intend to add value for our clients and consumers, we put the same effort and dedication to develop the best actions for our collaborators”, explains Romeo.

Companies will also make internal moves. The case of Travel Services is one of them. “We are considering putting together a game, creating a space where we can all watch a game if it plays during working hours, organizing a celebration for an important victory, setting the scene with the use of flags and merchandising elements”, anticipates Boutet. Qatar 2022 is more than 100 days away, but the corporate world is already focused on playing its own World Cup.

by Marcelo Alfano

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