What will the new name of Mayor Tjalmapark be? The final decision will be made on Tuesday

The first name, the Raadhuispark, could count on the most entries: twelve. According to the street names committee, this is an understandable choice because of the nearby Raadhuisplein, where the town hall is also located.

A submitter of ‘Verbindingspark’ emphasized the connection of the park with different origins, groups, orientations and cultures. “Since the park is almost in the middle of Hoogeveen and fun cultural activities are organized, I would like to call the park the Connection Park. Being connected is very important in this time,” writes another.

The third option, Park Dalwijk, refers to Huize Dalwijk, the place where Dr. Amshoff lived. In 1913, the land and house were sold to build the first Bethesda Hospital. The Unigarant and TVM are now located there. “The location of the forest and garden of Huize Dalwijk was on the site of the current town hall park”, is the motivation of one of the submitters.

Finally, Park 40-45 qualifies. That name was chosen in memory of all resistance fighters and victims from this time.

Last October, current mayor Karel Loohuis van Hoogeveen distanced himself from his predecessor Jetze Tjalma:
