Tesla gets its own gate at the border with Mexico | Car

Tesla has signed a deal with the Mexican state of Nuevo León for a private lane at the border crossing near the American city of Laredo. The passage is only intended for the company and its suppliers.

The new passage does not quite fit the image that CEO Elon Musk paints about his brand as an American company with models that are mainly made with local parts. Yet it is not illogical that the brand partly uses parts from foreign suppliers.

According to Bloomberg, the border crossing where the exclusive Tesla border gate will be located is one of the lesser-used crossings along the Mexican border, with the average wait time for trucks at the busiest times being only about 20 minutes. Still, opening a dedicated lane is certainly a way for Nuevo León to boost investment in its car suppliers.

‘Maybe other companies later too’

Ivan Rivas, the economics minister of Nuevo León, sees nothing wrong with the deal with Tesla. “We wanted a border crossing that is much faster and more efficient for Tesla,” he told Bloomberg news agency. “Maybe in the future there will also be an exclusive job for other companies.”

Bloomberg was unable to get any details from Tesla or the state of Nuevo León on whether Tesla gave the state anything in exchange for its new express lane, or details about the exact lane usage rules. In any case, it is certain that owners of a Tesla are not allowed to use the border crossing.
