80 new homes for Ossehaar in Coevorden: half for sale, half for social rent and flexible living

Around eighty homes, half of which are for sale and the other half for social housing and flexible living. That is the plan for the Ossehaar C residential area in Coevorden. According to the municipality, it must become ‘a modern, green neighbourhood’ with ‘a varied housing offer’.

In line with the housing vision adopted last year, the municipality of Coevorden wants to make more room for starters on the housing market and flexible residents. “This form of living can be a solution for people who need temporary housing, for people who have to move out of a holiday home and for migrant workers,” the municipality writes.

Before that happens, the zoning plan must first be changed. The municipality will discuss this with local residents, the Domesta housing association and other stakeholders. After that, an actual interpretation is given to the neighborhood: for example, how many detached, semi-detached or other types of homes should be built.

Construction on Ossehaar C has been at a standstill since 2009: the 44 plots that were offered for sale at the time were withdrawn from the market in 2018 because they were not sold. Depending on possible objections, the municipality now hopes to start construction between the end of 2023 and the middle of 2024.

Currently, on part of the site, Ukrainian refugees are being accommodated in about thirty housing units. “In principle, this reception is limited to one year. Because making plans and the zoning plan change also takes at least a year, this has no influence on the housing development”, the municipality of Coevorden says.
