“We will all have to draw lessons from what has happened”

07/21/2022 at 15:36


A councilor from the Tábara City Council tells the Minister of Defense the devastating consequences of the fire

The defense minister, Margaret Oaks, has visited the Forward Command Post of the YoLosacio fire installed in Tábara, where is deployed Military Emergency Unit (EMU)pNow transmit all your “solidarity” and “honey” to the province.

“We have lost everything, there is total silence in the mountains”

A councilor of the City Council of Tabaraone of the municipalities hardest hit by fire, explained to the head of defense the innumerable damages caused by the flames: “We have lost everything, there is total and absolute silence on the mountainwe are in mourning & rdquor ;, he expressed with a broken voice.

It is a human drama that we are living. This is not the time for other assessments (…) We will all have to draw lessons from what has happened,” said the minister after hearing the harsh testimony of Francisca Gutiérrez, deputy mayor of the Tábara City Council. “We have been totally abandoned, someone explain to us what has happened”, denounced the councilor in front of Margarita Robles.

“It’s time to be together, to apologize if something has not been done well“, the minister has influenced after extolling the “effort of the UME putting his life at risk”.

Regarding the situation of the Losacio fire, a member of the operation has said unofficially that “it is calm but we cannot neglect ourselves.” And, officially, the Junta de Castilla y León reports that the fire is “stabilized” after five days of work.

Thanks to the workers

The mayor thanked the work of all the means deployed in the operation, and especially the support of the UME: “When the UME arrives it seems that everything is going to be fixed“, expressed Paqui, pointing out that it is usual to frequently see the troops of the Military Emergency Unit carrying out maneuvers in the area. “We know the work they do.”

Margarita Robles picked up the gauntlet of flattery towards the military and also valued her “humanity” and “effort”. “They don’t have hours, it doesn’t matter if it’s early in the morning or at night, they sleep anywhere, it’s such a big deal that we have nothing but words of thanks.”
