Ieo Foundation, the fundraising for cancer research

Antonio Citterio

No.born from an idea of Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo And Francesco Bonami, Draw the Future is the new exclusive fundraising project carried out by Ieo Monzino Foundation, non-profit organization that since 1994 has supported the Research ofEuropean Institute of Oncology and the Monzino Cardiology Center, centers of excellence IRCCS (Scientific Hospitalization and Care Institutes).

It is thanks to the generous creativity of three extraordinary internationally renowned architects that Disegna il Futuro has been able to materialize. Antonio Citterio, Kengo Kuma and Patricia Urquiolathey realized three limited and signed edition vases of only 100 copies.

Antonio Citterio, yin and yang

«I decided to join this initiative because I think that each of us has a sort of debt with the foundations that take care of people’s wellbeing and health – says Antonio Citterio.

The vases I designed are two independent objects, but at the same time complementary. When I conceived them I did not think of objects that appeared primarily functional objects, I had in mind symbologies, references to the human history of “lending a hand”, of helping. The soy color of the glaze refers to the earth, while the cobalt blue to the sky and water; accents of color to energy.

THE two vessels, externally, are one the negative of the other: where one is concave, the other is convex, the colors are inverted, in a continuous reference, as a sort of yin and yang which binds the two objects. When I think of an object, in my creative style I always imagine how it can be used by people, and I like to think that these two vases can be used together, even one inside the other, as happens in the expedition, or one as an object holder, the other as a fruit holder. There are many possibilities of use ».

Antonio Citterio

Patricia Urquiola, the metamorphosis of being

«I did not hesitate to participate in the IEO-Monzino Foundation project – says Patricia Urquiola. The project starts from one research and reflection on the themes of evolution in natureof hybrid forms, ofadaptation to a changing reality. The vase is in fact the expression of a metamorphosis of being.

From a monolith with a pure shape, organic appendages develop that strongly envelop the lower part of the cylinder, becoming a single body, in a marked hybridization. On a structure in glazed ceramic with complex finishes there are incisions with a constant rhythm, made post-molding, which define the surface of the two elements. A metamorphosis of matter which lives through two completely foreign forms that interpenetrate, integrate and complete each other ».

Patricia Urquiola

Patricia Urquiola

Kengo Kuma, the essence of health

«I tried to translate the philosophy of the IEO-MONZINO Foundation into shape and its value to health – explains Kengo Kuma. There health is based on a delicate balance between different aspects body and mind. This “trophy” is made up of various circles that are delicately balanced and stacked to support the cup. This is the essence of health“.

“During the years of my presidency I was able to get to know the work of IEO and MONZINO doctors and researchers who dedicate themselves daily with passion and professionalism to carrying out their extraordinary work. They need the support of all of us, so that it is possible to maintain the highest standards of innovation and assistance, guaranteeing a continuous development of clinical and experimental research, giving hope to thousands of people “declares Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, President of the IEO-MONZINO Foundation” and is also thanks to initiatives like this that we can overcome increasingly complex challenges “.

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How to participate in the fundraiser

To obtain a complete set of artist’s vases, thus contributing to oncological and cardiovascular research with a donation in support of the IEO-MONZINO Foundation, please visit the website HTTPps: //



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