The definitive trick so that the beach umbrella does not fly

07/20/2022 at 11:28


Are you afraid that your umbrella will blow away in the wind? I tell you the final solution

There are several methods to prevent the umbrella from flying through the air.

Surely on more than one occasion you have been lying on the sand of the beach, and you have had to dodge a dangerous flying umbrella. Indeed, the wind is the main enemy of tourists when they are sunbathing, and for this reason there are a series of tricks to keep the beach umbrella fixed and not be threatened by the intense air.

Solutions so that the beach umbrella does not fly

  • The first trick is the most comfortable: buy a plastic spike to put the umbrella inside, sticking it on the sand. This way it will not move despite the strong air.
  • The other advice is more amateur: dig a hole (deep and not too wide), insert the post and turn it vigorously. We take stones (not too big), put them around the post and cover them with sand. We slightly moisten the part of the sand around the post.

However, it is very important that the parasol is always placed in the correct direction, against the windbecause otherwise, not even with these solutions will you have a quiet day at the beach.
