The cost explosion at the RBB Digital Palace

Stopped: The planned RBB digital palace on Kaiserdamm

Stopped: The planned RBB digital palace on Kaiserdamm Photo: RBB

By Michael Sauerbier

He is at the center of the RBB felt affair: the planned new construction of a digital media center next to the TV studios on Kaiserdamm in Charlottenburg.

From 2025, journalists for TV, radio and the Internet will work together there. The construction costs have risen from 65 to 100 million euros. According to Jan Redmann (43, CDU), there is already talk of 150 million euros.

According to the online portal “Business Insider”, consultants associated with RBB’s head of the board of directors, Wolf, are said to have received lucrative orders for the project.

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The husband of broadcaster Schlesinger billed six-figure fees for services at the trade fair company, which Wolf promoted there as head of the supervisory board. Now the broadcaster has stopped the digital palace.


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