6 tips for holidays with a smartphone

If your cell phone doesn’t work on vacation, relaxation can quickly turn into stress. So that this doesn’t happen to you, TECHBOOK explains how best to prepare your smartphone for long journeys and what else you should have with you.

Despite the break from everyday life, our number one companion usually flies or drives with us on vacation: the smartphone. Translator, navigation, communication – the mobile phone is important for many things, even during the holidays. However, if this reliable companion does not work as it should or even gives up the ghost when you are far from home, stress is inevitable. To make sure that your smartphone is fun abroad instead of annoying, you should think about a few things in advance and pack the right utensils.

Important holiday companion: the power bank

Especially when you are on vacation, you will probably look at your mobile phone more often to navigate a route, look up information about the travel destination or take photos. So that you never run out of juice, you should take precautions and definitely have a mobile battery or power bank with you. If the juice then tends to run out, you can easily recharge it with it. It is best to make sure that the power bank is not too big to fit in any pocket. Of course, the power bank also has to be charged regularly. Most power banks have a battery indicator that you can use to check the energy level.

Also interesting: The best power banks for on the go

The right adapter

So that you can charge your mobile phone at any time, you should find out before you travel whether you need an adapter for the sockets in the country you are traveling to. You can buy these for a few euros in almost any electronics store or online retailer. A travel adapter that is suitable for several countries is even worthwhile for frequent flyers.

Multiple charging cables

For your journey you should plug in several charging cables at the same time, so you can never forget them. At best, you have one in your bag for travel and another in your accommodation. You travel much more relaxed and have your head free for other things.

Also interesting: what you should pay attention to when buying electronics on vacation

SIM card for abroad

Especially travelers who are abroad for a longer period of time should get a SIM card for the respective country. Although the rule that holidaymakers do not have to pay any fees in the EU has been in force since last year, this does not apply to countries outside the EU. There you sometimes pay significantly less for messages and calls with a country SIM than with your German provider. And even within the EU, there have always been cases in which some providers have tried to circumvent the regulation.

Don’t forget: Take your smartphone’s SIM card opener or a paper clip with you so that you can replace the SIM card.

Download apps beforehand

So that there are no nasty surprises on vacation, you should install important apps and download suitable maps before your trip. This allows you to find your way offline in distant countries. Translators like Google Translate are also useful. The pre-downloads protect your data volume and your battery.

Incidentally, the same also applies to series and co. It is best to download the relevant episodes of the films in advance for on the go. You never know where the next WLAN is waiting.

Last but not least: create a backup copy

Before you go on vacation, you should back up your data and important contacts on your smartphone, preferably in a cloud so that you can access them from other devices. If your smartphone is lost or stolen, at least your data is backed up and you have the most important phone numbers at hand. If you want to protect against theft, you should also write down the device number of the smartphone and the service number of the provider.

If you follow all of these tips before your vacation and pack the right helpers for your smartphone in your suitcase, nothing can go wrong – at least not with your cell phone.
