President of the world climate summit: many promises just words

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The President of the UN World Climate Summit COP26, held in Glasgow, Scotland last year, Alok Sharma, has drawn a sobering summary of the fight against the climate crisis. The progress so far has been very slow and does not correspond to the agreements made in Glasgow, Sharma said on Monday in Berlin at the Petersberg climate dialogue. “And I have to say this, and I say this with absolute certainty: a lot of the promises we made or agreed on are just words, paper,” Sharma said, according to an official translation of his speech.

There is evidence that time is running out, Sharma warned, noting how parts of Europe are currently being hit by intense heat. Sharma: “And of course millions of other people all over the world share this experience. And that’s why we really only have one option: change is necessary.”/cn/DP/mis
