Juve, without De Ligt a new defender is not enough: two are needed

Bonucci is 35 years old, Gatti has never played in Serie A, Rugani is the eternal reserve: too little. In addition to a big name like Bremer, another certainty is needed

Juve is one step away from the sale of De Ligt to Bayern, an operation wanted by the Dutchman who has long since decided to change the air; the bianconero club has taken note of it, without putting up much resistance. After all, there was the danger of seeing the young defender depreciate, whose contract would expire in 2024. If they had kept him by force – so to speak – they would have risked a far more traumatic farewell also on a financial level. And then the desire of the players always prevails, Bayern himself understood it on his skin: he raised a wall in front of Lewandowski’s desire to leave, he spent words of total closure, but in the end he had to sell him to Barcelona (and not made a great impression, given the rigidity of certain statements). A further justification for the sale of De Ligt, the fact that Matthijs has not had an extraordinary performance in his three seasons in Turin. For heaven’s sake, no one doubts its qualities, much less its importance in a department in which the contribution of Chiellini and Bonucci has become less and less relevant due to age issues. But De Ligt never became the phenomenon he was expected to be and for which Juve – in another historical era – had spent over 80 million, recognizing him a salary of 12 million per season.


The sale of De Ligt will bring a significant amount to Juve’s coffers, 70 million plus 10 of any bonuses, and will alleviate the salary of a very heavy salary. With that money, the Bianconeri will be able to strengthen the whole team, perhaps even tightening for Zaniolo or Paredes, but the main objective will have to be to replace the Dutchman adequately. There are many names at stake: from Bremer to Milenkovic, from Pau Torres to Gabriel, from Akanji to another series of excellent or good players. But the problem is wider and goes beyond the names, because it also concerns the number of defenders that Juve will take to replace De Ligt. Yes: one may not be enough.


Chiellini has gone to America, De Ligt is packing his bags for Munich. Juve are looking for a central player destined to replace the Dutchman but – however strong the chosen one may be, perhaps Bremer – it does not seem sufficient to face the whole season. Because? Because none of the three elements left in the department are totally reliable, safe, guaranteed. Bonucci is not, for the years (35) and the ailments. Rugani is not, eternal reserve: is it possible that he will become a starter now, after seven seasons as a precarious player? And it can’t be Gatti, who in early training everyone likes him but has never played a single minute in Serie A. And then Bremer (or whoever for him) would become the only certainty. Too little, if you are Juve. The risk of having a poor and unmanned ward would be too great. For this reason we would not be surprised if the Juventus club of defenders took two, one of which at a reduced cost, for example Milenkovic, whose valuation is around 15 million. Bremer plus Milenkovic, so Juve’s defense would be safe. And if Bonucci didn’t have any physical problems, and Gatti confirmed that he was ready for a great team, so much the better. But if this were not the case, Allegri would still have his back covered.
