Dag na frekening in drugs milieu een nieuwe aanslag met vuurwerkbom

According to the local political laws of the area around 1 a.m. at night. There is a risk of damage to the front of a building, and there is a small car in the building. You could hear what was going on in the slap end of the woon building.

Because of the winning of the El H family. A surveillance camera is then released. The family is with vacancy, so valt bij buren te horen.

One day that was what he said in all a questioning in the drugs environment in Deurne: toen one will be shot from vermoedelijk Nederlandse afkomst op straat doodschoten.

Also in 2019 and 2020 the family El H. will doelwit van aanslagen. In June 2020 a hand grenade was thrown at the Pannekoekenhuis Stacks in the Volkstraat. A year before that was going to happen as a van in the Deken De Winterstraat in Berchem and also a granaat ontploft. A zoon from the family was always followed by drugs misdriving. Hij kreeg in first aanleg 30 maanden cel for het deals van cocaine. In beroep, hij vrijgeproken.
