TASHAN: The Swiss artist presents her third single in German with “Poppin”!

It’s a colorful mix of pop, hip-hop and modern R&B that TASHAN has been inspiring for many years – and not only in our neighbors in the Alps. The Swiss artist with Indian roots is considered an internationally celebrated talent, has already performed at the renowned Glastonbury Festival, and renowned magazines around the world have already reported on her.

In Switzerland, she has long outgrown the status of a promising newcomer. She was named “SRF Best Talent” by Swiss Radio and was also part of the program “Sing my song – the Swiss exchange concert”. With her next career step, the artist proves that she is not only extremely talented and ambitious, but also courageous. Despite her international success, she changes her singing language! Until now, TASHAN has written, sung and rapped in English – now she’s switching to Standard German!

The language is different, the drive is the same!

How did this happen? It just turned out that way. She was never actually a fan of German rap, she says, but in the lockdown she came across artists like Shirin David or Loredana at some point. Their music and way of dealing with language inspired the artist and made her curious: how would it sound if she wrote in German herself? Just experiment, was the motto. Lo and behold, it actually worked really well. “Hey, that’s fresh and I like the music too. That’s why I just wanted to see how I sounded, she says herself. Her “new” music was even so fresg that record companies came knocking. It was clear: This must be the new direction! Even if the language has changed: the drive, the passion and the message are the same. It’s about big issues, female empowerment and multiculturalism, two themes that TASHAN has been living for years.

The rapper is a real cosmopolitan

Speaking of interculturality: the musician is cosmopolitan in the best sense of the word. Not only the different origins, but also the profession of their parents shaped their world view. They were tour guides — and so TASHAN saw a lot of the world from an early age. But we are not talking about 0-8-15 holiday destinations here. “Whenever we went on a trip, my parents always wanted to do something crazy. Tracking in the Himalayas and things like that”. Of course, her Indian roots also played a major role. TASHAN was always attracted to the new. Among other things, to London, where she lived for many years and studied music business at the university. For her, this city was the perfect melting pot, “I always feel happiest when I’m among a lot of different types of people. People who want to express themselves and express themselves because they are ‘different’ – whatever that means,” she says.

This is how the new single Poppin sounds

So now in German! With the songs “Yoga” and “Oprah” TASHAN already presented – now follows with “Poppin” the third German-language single. It sounds like a club, it sounds like an international top production. Catchy, a little provocative – and really intoxicating!


Important topics

If you want to stay up to date, you should definitely follow her on her social networks. There she is active under her nickname “BombayMami” — and speaks about things that are close to her heart. For example, about body positivity. “I gained weight at some point and still felt good, but I didn’t. From this dilemma I have developed a kind of philosophy of life: At the moment it is the way it is. So I want to learn to enjoy and respect it. Not least because I just like to eat!” she laughs. “I always have a lot of energy in me and do a lot of sports. But I also like to cook, and especially in Indian culture, food is always the top priority.”




