Ventilus: “final decision will not be made until September”

Ventilus: “final decision will not be made until September”

The Flemish ministers today examined the high-voltage line Ventilus, which should run from the sea to the interior. This happened at the last Council of Ministers before the summer, a deadline that the Flemish government had set itself. “If we don’t decide now, we’ll never decide, with all the consequences that entails. If the lights go out after 2024, I think everyone should take a good look at what has been decided now,” Flemish Energy Minister Zuhal Demir said earlier.

Report on overhead high voltage remains basic

But now it turns out that that decision was not made after all. That said Flemish Prime Minister Jan Jambon during the press conference. The decision will be made in September. “Further consultations with the mayors involved will follow in the coming months.”

Nevertheless, Jambon also points to the report of intendant, Guy Vloebergh, who believes an overhead power line is the only option. “We leave with that report, and we still have a whole series of flanking measures, which we are now discussing.”


But the two key questions are: ‘will the politicians get it together today?’ And ‘Will it be above or underground?’ (Check out yesterday’s report below.)
