MISCELLANEOUS: DGB calls for more heat protection for employees

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – In view of the increasingly frequent heat waves, the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) has accused employers of failing to protect employees. “Appropriate risk assessments are still not a standard – an omission by employers that is completely unacceptable,” said DGB board member Anja Piel of the German Press Agency in Berlin. “Of course, regular, extremely hot summers entail particular stress for working people.”

This requires a suitable strategy and effective measures, Piel demanded. The trade unionist included sufficient work breaks and rest periods, including working from home if possible. Piel also suggested more flexible flextime in cases where work could be shifted to cooler times of the day.

“Appropriate regulations are needed for work that inevitably has to take place outdoors at record temperatures,” said Piel. “It’s a legitimate question whether, when it’s 38 degrees in the shade, work has to be done on the fresh concrete surface on the construction site, or whether it can be organized differently.” Shading is also conceivable as a technical measure.

“Because the health risks from UV radiation at work should not be underestimated, light skin cancer is far too often the result,” said Piel. “Employees should therefore exercise their rights to prevention and occupational health advice on a regular basis.”

Trade unions and employers could also reach agreements during regular heat waves. For example, IG Bau agreed in the collective bargaining agreement for roofers to be paid if work had to be stopped due to weather conditions. “That can be a model for other industries,” said Piel. “However, the basis for all these strategies must be better and more frequent risk assessments in companies and plants, as well as regular checks.”/bw/DP/zb
