Dogs are in a locked car for a while: “Leave dogs at home”

Dogs are in a locked car for a while: “Leave dogs at home”

On Tuesday morning, the police received a report about two dogs that were locked in a car. According to the reporter, the animals had been alone there for at least twenty minutes, with the window of the car ajar. In the meantime, a civilian firefighter managed to free the dogs.


On request, a passer-by took them to the Blue Cross. The owner had left the critters behind to run errands. The police drew up a report.

The dogs were impressed by the heat, but are doing well.

Twice as warm

The Ostend Police Department for environmental enforcement is continuing to monitor the case. “The message is crystal clear: don’t leave your dog alone in the car on these hot days, even for a quick errand,” emphasizes Chief Constable Hannelore Hochepied.

“Putting the window a crack of barely a few centimeters is not enough to provide cooling. In a car, the outside temperature doubles and the risk of overheating is very high. Leave your dog at home or outside in a shady place with plenty of drinking water.”

extra attentive

Anyone who notices an alarming situation can immediately call the police (101) or fire brigade (112). Police Ostend pays extra attention to animals that are locked in cars.

“We will always try to contact the owner first to open the car. We can smash car windows in acute or life-threatening situations,” concludes Hochepied
