New stadium pictures for Hertha fans to dream about

The sketch of the new Hertha stadium - it is said to be covered with solar panels to harvest solar energy.  It should offer space for 45,000 fans

The sketch of the new Hertha stadium – it is said to be covered with solar panels to harvest solar energy. It should offer space for 45,000 fans Photo: Lindner

By Carsten Priefer and Paul Gorgas

Hertha is fighting for its own stadium! That takes too long for the Berlin architect Mario Lindner. Therefore, on his own initiative, he is presenting a draft north of the Maifeld in the Olympic Park.

Lindner: “I’m a Hertha fan, it should be an impetus, an initiative, a kick-off.”

The images should rekindle the dreams of Hertha fans from the stadium.

The design shows a stadium whose south stand is higher and steeper than the rest of the arena

The design shows a stadium whose south stand is higher and steeper than the rest of the arena Photo: Lindner

Hertha is not really impressed by Lindner’s sketches.

What is the next step?

Hertha’s new stadium consultant Engelbert Lütke Daldrup (65) on BZ: “The architects and planners AS+P (Albert Speer + Partner GmbH, ed.) commissioned by Hertha are working intensively on the feasibility study and will do so as announced by Senator Spranger Presenting the Senate steering group in the second half of August.”

Then the fans can dream again!

more on the subject


Hertha fans Olympiastadion Stadium
