How is execution changing?

For two years there was no movement in the broad field of trade fairs. They were cancelled, carried out as hybrid events and played no role. The world of trade fairs has changed and many companies are now wondering what this could mean for the future. Will the fair continue to take place in its familiar form? Will it be completely replaced by hybrid events? What follows is a brief look into the future and possible innovations in the field of trade fairs.

The presence fair – the added value is worth preserving

The amount of work is high, but when the stand is up and the high-quality exhibition counter set up is, the adrenaline flows through the veins of the employees. A trade fair is always a highlight for a company, which of course also has an effect on success. Hardly any other event is so well suited to making contacts and exchanging ideas with interested parties. Despite virtual offers, personal face-to-face conversations cannot yet be completely replaced today, because facial expressions, gestures, special moments – all of this makes up the conversation at the exhibition stand.

And re-occurring Fashion fairs in Berlin as well as many other missing events show that the demand is still there. People appreciate direct contact, they like touching prototypes and not just seeing them in 3D on the computer. The face-to-face trade fair will therefore remain in place.

Hybrid trade fairs can serve as a valuable addition

The future prospects for the trade fair are not “either – or”, but “analogue AND digital”. How the trade fair is ideally carried out always depends on the target group, the industry and the size of the company. The digital expansion is a great way to address even more people and to pick up those who cannot appear in person.

Digital preparation plays a role, which can be improved with valuable information. However, combined local and hybrid events are also conceivable. In this way, some of the trade fair visitors can be present directly on site in the hall, while others are connected live and in color via the Internet. The symbiosis of the digital and analog world seems to be an important part of the future in many areas.

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Small and local trade fairs are gaining in importance

In Germany alone there are numerous trade fair locations that have gained international fame. However, forecasts are that the international audience will be reduced in the future as digitization progresses and at the same time the keyword sustainability plays an increasingly important role. If fewer global trade fairs take place, companies will have to rethink and focus more on regionality.

That would also have immense advantages for all the small companies that, as start-ups or micro-enterprises, hardly have a chance to get a taste of the trade fair atmosphere. At smaller and regional trade fairs, on the other hand, these companies would also have more opportunities to become active and thus gain a certain degree of awareness more quickly.

Foreign trade fair visitors would have the opportunity to participate in the trade fair without CO2 pollution and thus sustainably via hybrid connection options. In this case, travel restrictions or increased travel costs would no longer become a problem.

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Trade fair as an opportunity – perceive and strengthen needs

Society, which is becoming more and more modern, has different needs and consequently the work order for the organizers of trade fairs is clear: Keep up with the times! With a high level of user orientation, it is possible to merge live experiences and digital events and thus pick up different target groups. The need for live trade fairs is still there, but the newly discovered hybrid variety must not sink into the maelstrom of inattention.

Even if a classic trade fair existence is possible again after a two-year stop, all those who have become accustomed to digital alternatives and would like to use them should not be forgotten due to a lack of travel options, lack of time, due to sustainability. This is the only way for the trade fair as such to have a real future, and it deserves it.
