First Corona case in the DFB team – Lea Schüller is positive

The German team has its first corona case at the women’s European Football Championship. A player from the starting eleven is affected.

Lea Schüller has tested positive for the corona virus. The DFB announced this on Monday. This means that Germany is missing the traditional center forward in the group game hit at the women’s European Football Championship against Spain on Tuesday.

“The attacker from FC Bayern Munich only feels slight symptoms. She was immediately isolated. A decision will be made about a return to the European Championship tournament depending on the course of the medical guidelines and in close consultation with Uefa,” it said. According to the DFB, Schüller can test herself free after five days with reference to the Uefa protocol – if she is symptom-free.

Thomas Müller with special greetings

National coach Martina Voss-Tecklenburg reacted calmly to the corona-related failure. “For us, that means first and foremost that we stand together as a team and play for Lea. It’s important that Lea is fine,” said the 54-year-old.

National striker Thomas Müller also wished his Munich club colleague all the best after her positive corona test. “Oh no! Hopefully things will start rolling again very quickly at #WEURO2022. Get well soon, Lea!” tweeted the 2014 world champion on Monday.

Schüller had scored a goal in the 4-0 win against Denmark. The 24-year-old is one of the team’s top strikers and has scored 26 goals in 40 international matches to date. Alexandra Popp will probably play in her place. The captain was not at 100 percent after surviving the corona infection.
