Abandonment of cats and dogs, the summer campaign

Lto fight against stray dogs andabandonment of dogs and cats are fought in many ways. Through responsible adoptions, on the one hand, and through a database well done that allows you to easily trace the owners of lost or abandoned animals.

Dog looking for cuddles invades the pitch during the game and becomes a web star

Abandonment of dogs and cats in the summer

On the first point, associations that deal with animals have always been involved, and in particular in the summer. How Oipa (International organization for the protection of animals)which launches thehis summer campaign against abandonment by giving a voice and a face to those who, after having adopted a stray through the association, undertake never to betray him.

If you adopt an animal it is for life

If you adopt an animal it is for life“Is the claim of the campaign againstabandonment of cats and dogs. No.not a foregone sentence, since they still are too many people who adopt unknowingly and then they abandon without mercy.

Duchi and Bismi, Ray and Chanel, Lenticchio and Pisellino

Four adopters of dogs and cats that in the Oipa video invite you to stay with your pets Today, tomorrow and forever ”, as the campaign slogan says: Arianna with Dukes And Bisms, Maurizia with Ray, Paola with her Chanel And Thiago with Lentil And Pea.

Mandatory microchipping for everyone

On the political front, the Ministry of Health instead announced two important innovations for the fight against stray dogs: the mandatory nature of microchipping throughout Italy and the creation of a single pet registry which will mark the overcoming of the regional registries through the strengthening of databases for a better networking of data and the immediate traceability of the owners of lost or abandoned animals.

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I’m 14,512,805 microchipped animals in Italy: but if aOn 10 July 2022 they are registered in the Regional registries of pets as many as 13,478,682 dogs, only 1,031,810 cats and 2,313 ferrets surveyed: Oipa has for some time been asking that the obligation of microchipping be introduced for them too, an effective tool to combat stray dogs. . Not just dogs.

