The PP raises the tone and asks Sánchez to withdraw his reform to renew the Constitutional, “the Bildu 2 law”

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The PP has once again demanded that Pedro Sánchez withdraw the proposal this Monday law of the PSOE to renew the Constitutional Court, which is voted this Thursday in Congress, if you want them “this very afternoon” to sit down to negotiate what measures to take to regenerate justice and renew the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), with the current framework.

The deputy secretary of Institutional of the PP, Esteban Gonzalez Pons, has raised the tone and has baptized the normative change as “Bildu 2 law”. “They agree with Bildu to annul the memory of the victims [en referencia a la ley de memoria democrática] and with CKD than CKD can enter the Constitutional Courtl”, declared Pons at a press conference after the party’s steering committee. United We Can, Más País and ERC already announced last week that they will support the reform in a single and urgent reading of the law of the judiciary proposed by the PSOE and with which Sánchez seeks to facilitate the pending replacement of four magistrates of the Constitutional Court.In fact, the President of the Government amends himself since he now wants to return to the CGPJ the ability to cover two seats of the TC despite having the expired mandate.

The deputy secretary assures that if the Executive cancels his plans, this afternoon he will sit down with Bolaños to “regenerate” Justice and agree on the CGPJ

Pons has made these statements while presenting his ‘Proposal to strengthen judicial independence and democratic quality in Spain’. 28 days ago, the PP undertook to make public its plan to regenerate justice before July 13. Among the initiatives that he has included, he proposes that he cannot be named state attorney general who has been in politics for the previous five years (and who can be challenged for that reason) and that the negotiation of the members of the CGPJ be carried out in Congress and the Senate, which is “what the law establishes.”

Pons has also explained that they want the president of the governing body of the judges to be decided by the members and not previously known, by an agreement between PSOE and PP, who is it going to be The popular also propose that within six months the new CGPJ elected with the law in force propose to Congress a new election model for the future, “agreed between the judges and the judicial associations.”

According to what he has said, the contacts with his counterpart in Moncloa, the Minister of the Presidency, Felix Bolanos, have been continuous by whatsapps. “There has been negotiation, there has been dialogue, there is a thread of communication”, she has assured before publicly telling him to call him to see him this afternoon.

“Very serious sanctions” of the European Union

According to the PP, the express modification of the law “compromises the democratic image of the nation.” In his opinion, if he does not put the brakes on his intentions, Sánchez risks “very serious sanctions” by the European Union. For example, “the possible suspension of European funds due to the application of the so-called Rule of Law Mechanism”.

La Moncloa has no intention of withdrawing the bill because it understands that the one who has blocked the renewal, and has spent three years without agreeing to do it, is the PP

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The news of the conservatives’ proposal has reached Moncloa in the middle of a press conference by the spokeswoman, Isabel Rodríguez, since the ordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers has been brought forward to this Monday because it is tomorrow, Tuesday, when the state debate begins of the nation, at noon in Congress. The minister assured that she was not aware of the Genoa document, but she did want to send a clear message back: “The Constitution and its compliance is not negotiable. The only thing that the Government asks of the PP is that it complies with the Constitution, which is what the rest of us Spaniards do, which is what makes us all equal. So before you start talking what you have to do is comply“.

Moncloa sources assured, after Rodríguez’s appearance, that it is not in Sánchez’s plans to withdraw the bill: the Government, they indicate, has “very clear what to do” and that the one who has blocked the renewal is the PP. “Compliance with the Constitution does not include excuses or conditions.”
